- Protocol buffer: service_alerts.proto, GTFS-realtime 2.0. "Protocol buffer" is a binary format used by Open Trip Planner, Google maps, and GTFS-realtime validation tools. It looks strange when displayed in a web browser.
- Text: service_alerts.txt. This is a plain-text format handy for testing purposes, but cannot be used by tools such as Open Trip Planner or Google maps.
- Current alerts in feed: JSON.
- Current alerts in feed which possibly affect a route: JSON. Please edit the URL to put in your route_id where it says {enter_a_route_id_here}, removing the {}.
- Current and future alerts in feed: JSON.
- Current and future alerts in feed which possibly affect a route: JSON.Please edit the URL to put in your route_id where it says {enter_a_route_id_here}, removing the {}.
There are 0 entities in this service alerts feed.